Living life without worry

When we fill our minds with righteous thoughts and trust God’s provision, we worry less.

Philippians 4:4-9

We live in a culture inundated with anxiety and fear, where people make a habit of worrying because it provides a false sense of control. Christians don’t have to give in to these feelings, as we have a Savior who has promised us His peace, “which passeth all understanding” (comprehension) (Phil. 4:7). Thankfully, there are a couple of practices we can employ to guard against worry.

First, we must be careful about what we allow to fill our mind—listening to the many purveyors of doom and gloom can easily lead to fear, anxiety, or panic. If you become agitated or worried after hearing the news, listening to podcasts, or reading social media, it’s time to take a break. Consider a fast from media and do what Paul encourages in today’s passage: Think about whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report (Phil. 4:8).

Another source of worry is materialism. The more we have, the more we fret about what might happen to our possessions and financial security. But Jesus warned against storing up treasure on earth (Matt. 6:19-20). Instead, we should seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness and trust Him to provide for our needs (Matt. 6:33). If we’ll put Him first, worry won’t gain a foothold in our lives.

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