From Emptiness to Fulfillment

We can turn to many things for fulfillment and purpose in life, but only Jesus will satisfy our soul.

John 4:3-18

What gives you a sense of fulfillment and purpose? Is it your family, job, hobbies, or relationships? None of these are wrong, but they can easily disappoint if you haven’t made the Lord your chief pursuit in life.

While Jesus was sitting by a well in the region of Samaria, He met a woman who was vainly seeking fulfillment. She’d been married five times, and most likely each broken relationship left her feeling more unloved than before.

As they talked, Jesus pinpointed her sin by revealing that she was now living with a man who was not her husband. He wasn’t being cruel but instead was helping her recognize that she needed a Savior. Every prior attempt to fill up her life had been futile, and now Jesus offered the only solution that truly fulfills: Himself. He offered to give her “living water,” which satisfies so completely that whoever drinks of it will never thirst again (John 4:10-14).

Do you ever feel like the Samaritan woman—dissatisfied with life and thirsty for love, purpose, or fulfillment? Surrender to Jesus Christ and allow His life and love to flow through you. Only then will you experience the fullness He promises.