The Danger of Disobedience

There is never a good reason to disobey the Lord. 1 Samuel 13:5-14 We may be tempted to think that disobedience in a small matter really won’t affect us too much. Surely God isn’t going to be bothered by something so inconsequential, especially if our motives are good. But in reality, we never have good…

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3 Benefits to Attending Sunday School

While many of us find ourselves going to church on a weekly basis, there is an entire group of church goers who do not enjoy the benefits and blessings of Sunday School. Those who do not attend Sunday School are not less spiritual or immature believers, but they are allowing themselves to miss out on…

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Under Enemy Attack!

Our feelings mislead us; confidence comes when we choose to trust what the Word of God says. READ THIS FIRST: 1 John 5:10-15 We have an Enemy who wants to undermine our confidence in salvation. We’ve all been there—joyfully moving along through life, sure of our standing as God’s children, when all of the sudden…

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What’s Next??

Do you know what’s next on God’s Timeline? Watch this two minute video to find out!

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Why God DOESN’T want your money

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) THINK ABOUT THISIf you want financial freedom and the windows of Heaven to open, you must return to God. It is not your money that God wants. It is you that God wants. God needs nothing. In Psalm 50:12, God says, “If…

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Heeding God’s Warning

Listening and obeying when God speaks spares us painful consequences. 1 Samuel 3:1-21 Are you quick to hear and respond to God’s Word, or does it seem to go in one ear and out the other? Although messages from the Lord were rare in Eli’s day, the old priest was confronted by a prophet because…

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The Wiles (tricks) of the Devil!

GOD”S WORD SAYS: “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:11) MEDITATE ON THIS The Greek word for “wiles” is methodeia. It’s the word we get “methodical” and “methods” from. Satan is methodical. In warfare, he is strategic. He may even…

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Key to Success in the Christian Life

True change starts with the Holy Spirit transforming our heart and thoughts. 1 Corinthians 2:11-16 God calls His children to live holy lives. Yet in our attempts to obey this command, we often commit to change our behavior, only to fail a few days later. The problem is that we’re starting at the wrong place.…

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Stories from Real People

WES … “Growing up our family faithfully attended the Baptist church in our small town of Tribune, KS.   At twelve years of age, I went forward during a revival service and got baptized.  Only years later did I come to the realization that I was not saved…” DONNA … “I was raised in a Christian home, and my…

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Judgement Day and our Judge

Everyone will give an account of their life to Jesus, but those who have trusted in Him as their savior won’t be condemned. John 5:22-24 Anyone who’s been in a courtroom knows the atmosphere of authority and fear that surrounds the judge as he or she takes a seat. One day, everyone will face the…

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