Friend Day 2024 and 46th Anniversary!

On Sunday June 30th at our 11 am service we’ll be celebrating our Annual Friend Day in conjuction with our Church’s 46th Anniversary!   WE HAVE A SPECIAL GIFT FOR EVERYONE IN ATTENDANCE!   We so hope you’ll be able to join us as we celebrate the Lord’s Goodness to us!   Read below for more details…

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Vacation Bible School

JULY 31 – AUG 4, 2023  /  6-8:30pm Grab your armor and your trusty steed and get ready for a merry time as we travel back to the time of castles and dragons! Kings, queens, knights, jesters – all are welcome to attend!  At VBS, we’ll fill your tummy with fine victuals as you learn…

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Date Night – Feb. 3rd, 2023 “So, what’s this Date Night about?” You may be wondering. This an opportunity to stop with the busy-ness of life and reconnect with your spouse. It allows a couple to talk about themselves and their relationship, not because they are having any troubles but because it is a fun…

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Are you a ‘wise’ man?

Wise men will still seek Jesus! Text: Matthew 2:9-11 The wisest thing you can do at Christmastime, or any time, is to worship Jesus. That is the bottom of all bottom lines. The wisest thing anybody could ever do is simply worship the Lord Jesus Christ. There are a lot of people who want the…

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PRAY & GO Rally – Jan 29, 2022

I want to express my sincere gratitude to all who participated in any way with the first Pray and Go Rally of 2022!  What a tremendous job all of you did!  I know God was pleased since we were obedient to 2 of his commands – Praying and Going.   Together, we were able to pray for 549…

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