The Danger of Prayerlessness

When we bring our problems to God in prayer, He responds with encouragement.

1Thes. 5:17  “Pray without ceasing.”

Prayer should be a priority in the life of every Christian. If Jesus, who was the Son of God, often slipped away to talk to His Father, then we surely need it even more! Without prayer and Bible reading, believers are prone to feel discouraged and distant from God.

When troubles loom, do you seek man-made options in place of taking your concerns to the Lord? Chasing counterfeit solutions only leads you away from God and His will. What’s more, they are short-lived at best and utter failures at worst. Under such conditions, discouragement is unavoidable. But a believer who’s immersed in prayer and Scripture reading finds security in God’s power and presence.

Even though a habit of neglecting prayer has negative consequences, the direction can be reversed at any time. First, confess your prayerlessness. Then ask the Lord to give you the strength and desire to make communication with Him a regular discipline. Then set aside time every day to read your Bible and pray. In those moments of communion, He’ll make burdens lighter, offer encouragement, and fill you with confidence in His faithfulness and care for you.