
The Pathway of Faith

By Tim Urling | October 18, 2021

Genesis 12:1-9 The Bible says that we are to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). That means even though we’re unable to know what’s ahead we can trust the God who does. Abraham is a good example, and we should follow in his steps. When he was called to leave his country…

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Friday Church News Notes – Oct 15, 2021

By Tim Urling | October 15, 2021

October 15, 2021 – Volume 22, Issue 42 The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, though this does not…

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What Is the Church?

By Tim Urling | October 14, 2021

Most people think of the church as a building, but that’s not the biblical definition. Colossians 1:15-20 It isn’t merely a meeting place for social interaction, scriptural instruction, and service projects. Rather, the church is a Body composed of those who have been redeemed by Christ and join together to meet, worship, and serve. Christ…

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The Westside Times – October 2021

By Tim Urling | October 13, 2021

Read or Download the PDF Version now!

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By Tim Urling | October 12, 2021

While we’d love to have you visit our church, the most important thing is that your sins are forgiven, and that heaven will be your eternal home!

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October Celebrations @ Westside

By Tim Urling | October 12, 2021
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Fall Bonfire! – Saturday October 30th

By Tim Urling | October 12, 2021

Join us for a great Time of Family fun for all!  5-8:30 We will have games, food, a bonfire, singing, testimonies.  Everyone is welcome to come and BRING A FRIEND!  Hot dogs, buns and drinks will be provided.  Please bring chili, desserts, roasting sticks and anything you’d like to roast over the fire such as…

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Missions Conference 2021

By Tim Urling | October 12, 2021

Missions Conference 2021 – October 15-17th Plan to attend our annual Mission Conference on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 15-17th, 2021. Friday and Saturday Evening at 7:00pm and Sunday during regularly scheduled service times. 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM Special Guests: Bro Herb Hutchinson, Missionary Bobby Harjo, Missionary Les Garner. You won’t want to miss one of the most…

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4 Cosas que debes saber acerca de Dios

By Tim Urling | October 8, 2021

Por Ray Comfort    – 1. DIOS ES SANTO Y JUSTO “Justicia y juicio son el fundamento de tu trono: Misericordia y verdad van delante de tu rostro”.  (Salmo 89:14)     En el derecho civil, un buen juez debe castigar el delito. Si se hace de la vista gorda ante la injusticia, entonces es corrupto y…

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Friday Church Notes 10.8.2021

By Tim Urling | October 8, 2021

PERSECUTION IN AFGHANISTAN: THE FALSE AND THE TRUE (Friday Church News Notes, October 8, 2021,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Christians Trapped in Afghanistan,” Release International, Sept. 27, 2021: “UK-based Release International is concerned about false reporting of persecution under the Taliban, which is obscuring the real hardship faced by the…

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