Young and Fruitful – No matter your age!

Even though our physical body ages, our soul stays young as we continually grow in the Lord.

Psalm 92:12-15

Our culture is obsessed with youth. The marketplace is flooded with products promising better health, fewer wrinkles, and stronger bodies. But these will only scratch the surface of our aging problem. Unless death intervenes, growing old is inevitable. Living as if we’re old, however, is a choice. We can be young in soul and spirit, regardless of our chronological age.

Today’s passage tells us that when a righteous man is firmly planted in the Lord (Ps. 92:13), he’ll become fruitful in things that last into eternity. Believers are never to retire from bearing fruit; we’re to continually abide in Christ so we can do the work He’s given us to accomplish (John 15:4, Eph. 2:10).

Even when we walk with Christ, our bodies may grow physically weaker in our latter years. But we can have the confidence and stability that come only from growing strong in faith. Each year is an opportunity to trust God more and rely wholly on His Word.

Staying young while growing old begins with your mind. Never stop listening to the Father and learning from His Word. Allow godly thinking to shape your attitude. Be thankful, never stop laughing, and rejoice in your Lord. Above all, keep believing and loving Him with all your heart.