Balancing Act

The Lord deserves to be and should be number one in our lives, so we have to consider how we balance all the things that demand our time.

Proverbs 16:1-3

The Lord has plans for each of us and specific work that He has called us to do. This might be hopeful news to you, or it might be overwhelming if you’re already struggling to manage all that’s on your plate. Thankfully, balancing five areas of our schedule can help us live according to God’s purposes.

  1. Our top priority should be spending time with the Lord each day. We can read and meditate on His Word, pray, listen for His directions, or simply be with Him.
  2. Relationships are essential to God’s plans for us. We should allot time to family and friends, since Galatians 6:2 says bearing others’ burdens fulfills the law of Christ.
  3. The area most likely to become imbalanced is our work. The Lord disapproves of laziness, but He doesn’t want us to be overly consumed with our careers, either.
  4. It’s vital to take care of our physical body, allocating adequate time for rest, recreation, and exercise.
  5. The Scriptures command us to meet together regularly with other believers for worship (Heb. 10:24-25).

These general areas all need space in your life, but I can’t tell you how each day should look. Ask the Lord to direct your schedule. Seek His guidance, watch for His answers, and make the changes He brings to mind.